Monthly Archives: June 2014


Leaving your church, when is the best time?

Are you thinking about leaving your church?  Is there a best time to leave a church? You've done it.  You've found some churches near you and visited a few.  It didn't take long and you have found one you think you like.  You were a visitor for a period of time and then finally you decided to [...]

By | 2017-06-29T21:48:30-04:00 June 30th, 2014|Church home, Churches near me, Find a church|2 Comments

I have a lot of churches near me, which is the right one?

There are so many churches near me, how do I know which one is the right fit? Finding the right church for you and your family is one of the most important decisions you can make.  You can't simply ask "What are the churches near me?" Although distance is a factor, it shouldn't be the main one.  There [...]

By | 2017-06-29T21:48:31-04:00 June 25th, 2014|Church home, Church Listings, Churches near me, Find a church|Comments Off on I have a lot of churches near me, which is the right one?