Going to Church, Why should we make it a Priority?

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Why Should We Make Going to Church a Priority?

Sometimes we want to believe there are things we “have to do”.  The reality is that everything we do is a choice.  Sometimes those choices are easy, other times they are very hard.  The difference between those two are how important the topic is to you.  I strongly believe that if something is important to you, you will always find a way to make it a priority.   It doesn’t matter if it’s work, exercise, time with family or friends, watching the big game or going to church.  You will shift around your priorities to do the things you feel you need, or want, to do.

If you are a believer you already know that God gave us free will.  He gives us the option each time the church doors are open to either go to church or stay home.  There are a number of potential excuses to say home from church:

  • I can’t go to church because my spouse plays golf on Sunday mornings
  • I can’t go to church because I was up too late last night
  • I can’t go to church because church starts really early
  • I can’t go to church because the “game” is on this afternoon
  • I can’t go to church because my spouse/kids can never get ready on time

As believers we are called to set the example for others.  For my wife and I, the ‘others’ we try to set the example for are our kids and close friends.  For you it may be the same or possibly your girlfriend/boyfriend, fiancé, parents, co-workers or even your boss.  Although God gives us the choice, I don’t believe going to church should ever be optional.  Going to church needs to be a priority.

If those around you see that going to church is optional for you, you are teaching by example that attending church is optional for them also.  For us, that doesn’t work.  We want our kids to know that going to church is a priority to us.   On Sunday mornings, although it’s not always easy to wake them up, our kids never ask “are we going to church today?” They know that each Sunday we are going to serve during the first service and then attend the next one.  For them, that translates into over four hours at church each Sunday!

Don’t misunderstand me, It hasn’t always been cheerful.  In the beginning they didn’t like going to church, at all, and certainly not being there for four hours!  Now we have a routine that includes a stop at our favorite donut store that’s on the way if we get out of the house by 8:00.  They also have new friends at church they get to hang out with each week.  What started out as a chore has now become a joy and something they look forward to.  Within a few years our kids will be heading off to college.  I can’t guarantee that our kids will faithfully attend church every week when they aren’t home, but I do feel confident that they have a good foundation.  I’ll take my chances with that.

In closing, please keep in mind that going to church can easily become ‘legalistic’.  We don’t go to church on Sundays in order to meet the weekly church requirement and checkoff a box.  We go to church to worship our God, grow in Christ and to serve others.  This works for us, our hope is that you find something that works for you and that you make going to church a priority.

Thanks for listening,

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By | 2017-06-29T21:48:30-04:00 July 6th, 2014|Church home, Churches near me|Comments Off on Going to Church, Why should we make it a Priority?

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